Volume 29 Issue 15 28 May 2020 5 Sivan 5780

Be the Change with the Good Box

The Year 9 Jewish Studies Be The Change students had a Zoom the other day with the co-founders of the Good Box, Maddi and Gali. They enlightened us with many not well-known facts about homelessness and a lot of us learnt things we never even though of about homelessness before. After learning all about their charity, we were given the opportunity to write a letter for a Good Box that was being donated in our names. I really enjoyed this workshop and learnt so much, I hope that our boxes make someone’s day a lot better.
By Clio Stockley

Listening to Gali and Maddie’s journeys on how they started the Good Box was just so inspirational and made me think about what I could do to help a social issue. We spoke about how people who are experiencing homelessness got to that stage. I learned that just starting a conversation or even just a smile can light someone’s day up who is doing it tough and that there are different types of homelessness such as:  

  • improved dwellings, tents, or sleeping out
  • supported accommodation
  • staying temporarily with other households
  • boarding houses
  • temporarily lodges
  • living in crowded dwellings.

Only 7% of homeless people actually ‘sleep rough’. And once again just listening to what they had to say taught me so much and has made me want to purchase a good box and brighten someone’s day with a conversation. 
By Mariah Lewy

I really enjoyed the Zoom with Gali and Maddi from the Good Box because it taught me a lot about what homeless people feel when receiving gifts and how happy they were, which made me happy to know that people are giving back to the community.
By Scott Reuveny

From the Good Box Co-Founder, Gali Blacher:

We absolutely loved sharing an hour with the amazing Year 9 students. it was incredible to see our youth think about the bigger picture and be so aware of those who are less fortunate. What compassionate, empathetic and incredibly smart students! We can’t wait to see the amazing things all these wonderful young people will achieve one day! Thank you to Ms Levin-Kahn for giving us this amazing opportunity. 

Interested in spreading the love and care? Buy, donate or even give your own in person at the Good Box.