Volume 29 Issue 15 28 May 2020 5 Sivan 5780

Primary news

Natanya Milner – Head of Primary School

I would like to thank everyone for their patience as we have returned to school. We look forward to Monday, when we will have almost all of our students on campus. I realise this has been a tumultuous time and I am sure you all join me in thanking the teachers who have gone above and beyond in terms of working in new ways and with new systems in such a short time. Similarly, you have all been stretched and involved in a multitude of new tasks and the success of this time has relied heavily on your support and energy. Thank you for all that you have done – our children are so very lucky. 

Interesting article about possible student responses to the return to school

I read an interesting article about returning to school written by Dr Tara Quinlivan from Raft Psychology. I would like to thank Kim Slender, our School Counsellor, for assisting me to adapt the article to focus on the main messages for our parents. Our thoughts are here:

Quinlivan notes that most children will be excited to return to school but, for some, the change may be unsettling. Some students may experience increased anxiety as they return back to their usual routines after a time of uncertainty. This may look like extra clinginess in the morning or reluctance to come to school, unsettled sleep or feeling sick (especially with stomach aches or headaches relating to muscle tension). Teachers will also be looking out for these students and may notice clinginess, distractibility and a change in behaviour at school.

We encourage parents to let us know if your children are experiencing any of these feelings in a way that requires our support. Sometimes it can even just help that we know and can keep an extra eye out. In general, some additional understanding and compassion can assist so that the children know that we understand that the change is significant and may take some time to adjust. Reassuring children of their safety and your confidence in their return will also help. It can be comforting to explicitly return to previous routines and highlight these as steps to get back to ‘normal’ as well as reassuring children who are worried that there are additional measures and rules in place to keep people safe. Sometimes it can be helpful to remind children of the strategies they have to manage unsettled feelings – whether these are breathing techniques, talking to an adult or finding a caring friend, it is good to be reminded of some helpful ideas.

Our teachers have a number of ways to resettle the children back at school. With a mixture of excitement, anticipation and a few nerves, we will all be sharing the experience together and will support each other.

Advice for parents from the eSafety Commissioner

The eSafety Commissioner produces excellent information that we use to guide our online practices. I have taken a look at this publication called Online Safety Advice for Parents and Carers. I highly recommend that you take a look.


As we return, we ask you to refer to the document that we sent earlier in the week entitled, Information for our K-6 Return. It outlines the changes for the coming weeks including the altered morning and afternoon routines.

Morning routines

Week 6 (1 June 2020 – 5 June 2020)

Surnames A-K arrive between 8.00 am – 8.20 am

Surnames L-Z arrive between 8.25 am – 8.45 am

Week 7 (9 June 2020 – 12 June 2020, Monday is a public holiday)

Surnames L-Z arrive between 8.00 am – 8.20 am

Surnames A-K arrive between 8.25 am – 8.45 am

Every student must arrive with a book as we will have all years reading in their classrooms when they arrive at school. If work commitments do not allow you flexibility for a later drop off, you are still welcome to drop your children earlier as needed.

Afternoon routines

We will be staggering GWTF at the end of the day. Please display your child’s name clearly on a piece of paper. GWTF will take place on Avoca Street.

3.00 pm: All K-2 students with their Y3-12 siblings

3.15 pm: All Y3-6 students with their Y7-12 siblings

3.30 pm: The remaining High School students

We ask parents to remain in their cars. Parents who have walked to collect their children (and are using the ‘in-person’ queue on Avoca Street), please use the witches hats to indicate the spacing needed for physical distancing.


Years K-6 students will only be able to access the canteen by pre-ordering their recess and lunch. For now, Years 3-6 students will no longer be able to line up and use the canteen in person.

Pyjama Day

We will all be getting used to wearing school uniforms and proper shoes everyday. As a way to ease back in, we will have a Primary School Pyjama Day on Friday 5 June 2020. Children can wear PJs or tracksuits and dressing gowns. They must wear closed shoes such as sneakers. Children can bring slippers/Ugg boots for the classroom but must have sneakers for outside play times and movement around campus.