Volume 31 Issue 27 02 Sep 2022 6 Elul 5782

Primary Sport and Recreation Camp

Carrie-Anne Thomas – Acting Deputy Head of Primary

Sport and Recreation Camp

This week Years 3-5 students attended the Sport and Recreation Camp at Point Wolstoncroft. This camp is a highlight of the school calendar and has been greatly missed over the last couple of years, leaving us more excited to return than ever! The camp provides wonderful opportunities for outdoor education, social interactions and the development of independence. The campsite is picturesque, surrounded by state forest and the beautiful blue waters of Lake Macquarie. The students were involved in various instructor-led activities, including kayaking, fishing, giant swing, high ropes, archery and rock climbing. 

The approach to each activity was ‘challenge by choice’. This philosophy encourages students to challenge their individual goals and expectations to push their personal boundaries to accomplish their own challenge level. All the students are to be congratulated on their commitment, enthusiasm and resilience throughout the camp. The camp experience is often one of incredible personal growth and students should be very proud of their efforts.

Thank you to all of the teachers who attended the camp to support the students including: Emma Hill, Talia Hynek, Claudia Sceats, Lauren Butler, Felicity Cox, Tanya Jeckeln, Gabi Wynhausen, Stuart Taylor, Adam Carpenter, Rebecca Gaida, Orly Mizrahi, Hagit Bar-on, Shirley Arad, Samantha Rogut, Katie Brody and Tany Milner. Thank you also to Gena Yeomans for her assistance in organising many of the logistics in preparation for the camp.


I want to take this opportunity to highlight the growing number of smartwatches we see students wearing at school. The school’s policy on smartwatches and mobile phones is that students may bring them to school, but they must remain in their bags during the school day (8.00 am – 3.30 pm).

We understand that many parents want their children to have access to a mobile phone or smartwatch when travelling to and from school; at the same time, Emanuel School seeks to maintain a learning environment that is free from distractions. Therefore, we require a consistent approach to mobile phones and smartwatch technology. For safety purposes, students may access mobile phones or smartwatches at 3.30 pm and wear or use them on their way home from school. 

Whilst we understand that some smartwatches provide the option of activating School or Class mode, there have been several incidents where this function has either been incorrectly set or deactivated so that children can be contacted before the end of the school day. This disrupts learning for the child wearing the watch and other students in their class. Furthermore, differentiating between watches to identify which models have these functions is not always straightforward and is not where teacher time is best spent. 

Students found wearing smartwatches will be asked to return them to their bags, repeat offenders will have their watches confiscated, and a parent/carer will need to come into school to collect them. 

May I thank you in advance for supporting us in ensuring all students adhere to these rules. 

K-2 Assembly Term 3

Term 3 assembly for K-2 will be on Friday 9 September 2022: 1 Be’er Sheva (Hayley Chester’s Class)