Volume 28 Issue 8 22 Mar 2019 15 Adar II 5779

Primary News

Meghan Carroll – Deputy Head of Primary

The Leader In Me (Part 2 of 2)

I hope you have had the chance to give some of the at-home activity suggestions a go. Please enjoy reading about Habits 4-7 below.

Habits 4, 5 and 6 focus on helping children become more interdependent. Habit 7 is based on the idea of ‘balance feels best’. This Habit guides children to consider how they take care of themselves physically, socially/emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Habit #4 – Think Win-Win

The belief that everyone can win and it’s not me or you but both of us. Thinking win-win means we are happy for others when good things happen.

Everyone Can Win

I balance courage for getting what I want with consideration for what others want. I make deposits in others’ Emotional Bank Accounts. When conflicts arise, I look for third alternatives.

Activity suggestions:

Explaining to children that competition is okay when you play a game but not in relationships. Discuss what it would be like if in every situation in life there was a winner and how a better way to think is win-win.

Encourage and model win-win solutions. Let your children work out a win-win solution and provide praise when they do.

Set clear expectations with children about chores, privileges and so on so that you are aligned and thinking with a win-win mindset.

Habit #5 – Seek First To Understand, Then Be Understood

It is better to listen first and talk second. By doing this you reach a higher level of communication. Learning to listen is a skill that should be practised. This habit is closely related to Habit #3 Think Win-Win.

Listen Before You Talk

I listen to other people’s ideas and feelings. I try to see things from their viewpoints. I listen to others without interrupting. I am confident in voicing my ideas. I look people in the eyes when talking.

Activity suggestions:

Try ‘pretend listening’ with your child. He/she will likely be frustrated. Explain what you were doing and give your child an opportunity to discuss how he/she child felt. This leads into a deeper talk around your child appropriately letting people know when they feel they are not truly being listened to.

Discuss tone of voice and body language and how these aspects of communication play an important role in this habit. Play a game where you try to guess each other’s emotion without words, just based on body language.

Habit #6 – Synergise

This habit is about working together to create a better solution. ”It’s not your way or my way, but a better way.”

Together Is Better

I value other people’s strengths and learn from them. I get along well with others, even people who are different than me. I work well in groups. I seek out other people’s ideas to solve problems because I know that by teaming with others we can create better solutions than anyone of us can alone. I am humble.

Activity suggestions:

Use examples in nature, history, literature and personal experiences to help explain this habit to your children.

Use the Synergy Action Plan to summarise solutions:

  1. Define the problem
  2. Share views
  3. Think of solutions
  4. Choose the best solution together.

Habit #7 – Sharpen The Saw

This habit is about finding balance in your life. It focuses on the four parts of each person (body, brain, heart and soul) and the importance of taking care of each part to make them all work better.

Balance Feels Best

I take care of my body by eating well, exercising and getting sleep. I spend time with family and friends. I learn in lots of ways and lots of places, not just at school. I find meaningful ways to help others.

Activity suggestions:

Create a Sharpen the Saw centre in your home that includes puzzles, music, books, crafts, etc.

Discuss ways to Sharpen the Saw in all areas of life. This might include getting more exercise (body), reducing time on screens (brain), spending time with friends (heart) and taking part in special services/events (soul).

Model this habit regularly. Involve your child in your Sharpen the Saw routine.

Purim celebrations

Celebrations for Purim were enjoyed by all on Thursday as the students and staff were involved in a variety of fun and energetic activities across Years K-6. A big thank you to the Jewish Life Department under the leadership of Adam Carpenter and Hagit Bar-On for their massive contributions and for making this event very special.

Excursions and other events this week

It has been a busy week for excursions and events. On Monday our Year 4 team visited Sustainability House in Chippendale as part of their learning about the positive and negative human impacts on the environment. They have been considering how humans need to be more responsible with the Earth’s resources.

On Tuesday our Year 2 students journeyed to The Rocks to better explore and better understand the past in the present around Sydney.

This week also saw Year 3 finish their swimming program and a Chess competition involving some Year 5 and 6 students on Thursday. Year 6 Rehovot also visited Montefiore as part of their Make a Difference (MAD) project for 2019.

Thank you to all staff members and volunteers for planning, organising and supervising these important experiences for our students.

Kindness Spreads competition – Primary Madrichim initiative

During Weeks 8-9 students in Years 3-6 are invited to take part in a video competition. Participants will need to create a short video as an extension of their learning from Anti-Bullying Day. The theme is: Kindness Spreads.

The Primary Madrichim will select the top five videos that demonstrate the strongest Kindness Spreads message. These will be featured at a special assembly. Please submit your competition entries by the end of Week 10 (5 April) to Miss Carroll by email (mcarroll@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au), using Airdrop in person or USB. Good luck and thank you in advance for your participation.