Volume 28 Issue 8 22 Mar 2019 15 Adar II 5779

From the Principal

Celebrating Diversity

Abby Stein

World Harmony Week and National Harmony Day (March 21) were acknowledged at High School assembly. In the light of the recent terrorist acts at the Mosques in Christchurch, and the not so recent killings at the Pittsburgh Tree of Life Synagogue, the move towards achieving harmony and towards celebrating our rich diversity is needed more than ever. Increasingly, minority groups across the world are the subject of hate speech and violence, rather than compassion and acceptance of differences. Our students were told that living in harmony with each other first and foremost requires empathy; an ability to understand values, opinions and lifestyles that may at times be vastly different to their own. We invited Abby Stein, an American transgender activist, author and blogger to speak at this assembly. Abby is the first openly transgender woman raised in a Hasidic community. She spoke to us about her journey and how she saw her transition in terms of her Judaism.

Celebrating Purim

Thursday was a day of fun, organised chaos and laughter, as our students showed off a range of colourful and exotic outfits. The Purim message does however speak of Haman’s persecution of the Jews for ‘being different’ – and of our need to respond by accepting differences in others. This is especially poignant in the light of the recent tragedy at the Christchurch Mosques, where a minority group was targeted for being different. Purim is also about Matanot La’evyonim, where our students distribute gifts of food for marginalised groups, at the Asylum Seekers Centre and the Villawood Detention Centre. Our Primary students will be looking forward with much excitement, to the Purim Disco, on Sunday, kindly organised by our P & F.

 Parent Security Group (PSG) Training

A record number of parents (over 80) attended a training session conducted by CSG this week. The program was customised to support the group in carrying out this important role. The first session was for our 30 PSG ‘Captains’ and was followed by a session for our 50 plus PSG ‘Players.’ A huge thank you to Daniel Butt, who heads up our PSG and to Gary Gordon and David New who have led the way with our recent PSG recruitment drives. They devoted many hours to ensure the success of the evening, in addition to their already highly valuable contribution to the Security Committee and the PSG. It is never too late to sign up! Additional volunteers will result in less shifts for each ‘Player.’

The recently released CSG ALERT App has received a very positive response across the parent community. This is a reminder that the opt-out period for the App is next Wednesday, 27 March.

Mazal tov

Gabriella Goodridge (Year 11) (Photo: Ofer Levy)

Gabriella Goodridge (Year 11) won her first women’s AJN Cup at  the 69th NSW Jewish Swimming Championships held last week-end. Noaa Smily (Year 3) won the 8 girls 50m freestyle whilst Year 5 student Kayla Parks won the 10 girls 50m freestyle. 

Chelsea Rutstein (Year 12)

Chelsea Rutstein was recently awarded the National Sportfishing Association Achievement award which is the highest possible award nationally for sport fishing. Chelsea already has the world record!





Quote of the week

“Creativity is especially expressed in the ability to make connections, to make associations, to turn things around and express them in a new way.”

Tim Hansen