Volume 28 Issue 8 22 Mar 2019 15 Adar II 5779

Rabin Bugle

Shabbat Shalom Rabinites

Happy Purim celebrations! We hope everyone enjoyed themselves and there were so many great costumes today!

It has been two fun and inspiring weeks with lots of exciting activities in Tutor sessions, House Assemblies and our Year 9 students have participated in The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award practice camp.

House Assemblies – Caring for our environment and World Happiness Day

Students around the world have taken initiatives and actions to raise a discussion on what individuals, organisations and businesses can do for our environment and climate. Emanuel School held an environmental rally and it was also the theme for our Week 8 House Assembly. Our House Captains Adam and Tia together with Mr Rembson gave a thoughtful and engaging presentation on how the use of plastic impacts nature and how recycling works with animations and activities. Then came the highlight – Rabin House launched our first and very stylish Rabin water bottle! Rabin House’s creative committee had over the last two months worked with a range of designs and the water bottles are great! Just consider that if each Rabinite use them instead of buying a plastic bottle twice a term, then we will reduce our use of plastic bottles by over 245 bottles. Eight times a year and we reduce the use by close to 1,000 bottles!

Rabin House commends Adena Sheps, Year 12 Rabin and Eitan Vaknin, Year 10 Rabin for their cool designs and Rachel Jammy, Year 12 Rabin, for her fine organisation skills.

World Happiness Day – 20 March is the International Day of Happiness and this year’s theme is Happier Togetherfocusing on what we have in common, rather than what divides us. Our Madrachim organised activities for each Year Group and Rabin House would like to commend the collective effort by the Madrichim body.

Adam Riesel – Year 12

World Greatest Shave

The annual World’s Greatest Shave took place this week – raising valuable funds and awareness for the Leukaemia Foundation. Adam Riesel, Year 12 Rabin, once again did a fine job of promoting the event and it was great to see so many of you take part. The World’s Greatest Shave is an inspiring effort for an organisation that provides hope and care for many cancer sufferers.

Year 9 the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Camp

This year, a high proportion of Year 9 students participated in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award practice camp. These students have decided to step out of their comfort zone to take on personal challenges, starting with a couple of days of hiking in nature. The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award program assists students to achieve their personal best and provides a platform on which to engage with charity and community organisations. We commend each student participating and look forward to follow their service and effort in the years ahead!

We now only have three exciting weeks ahead before a well-deserved break. Enjoy Purim celebrations and have a great weekend!

Reminder: We would love to acknowledge your achievements or celebrations. Please remember to email Mr Rembson or our House Captains – Tia Mallinick and Adam Riesel if you would like a mention or make an announcement.