Volume 24 Issue 30 23 Sep 2016 20 Elul 5776

Primary Leadership

Primary School Captains

Thank you to our Primary School leaders who have had a wonderfully productive term in their various roles.

Our Madrichim have been promoting our Personal Development Program by reminding Years 3-6 students about the 7 Habits in The Leader in Me program. They also took on the ambitious role of running an inter house Handball Competition for Years 3-6 and carried this out with great success!

The House Captains prepared Years 3-6 students for the Athletics Carnival by running House Meetings to practise cheers. They then led the cheering on the day with passion and leadership.

K-2 Play leaders have continued to provide assistance with playground interactions and the highlight of their term was the Drawing Competition and Treasure Hunt.

Our Gross Motor students keenly implemented newly-created morning physical activities for K-2 based on the Olympics. It was a wonderfully relevant activity for all.

Our Music, Debating and Chess leaders have continued to lead their clubs by assisting teachers with administration and mentoring younger students.

Thank you to our Charity leaders who led the collection of necessities for asylum seekers.

Our SRC leaders responsibly represented their classmates’ ideas in their fortnightly meetings and were fortunate enough to attend a High School SRC meeting – a lovely chance for mentoring.

Our IT Leaders have successfully led Coding Club for upper primary and shared their passion for and expertise in IT most effectively.

Our Jewish Life leaders have continued to promote enthusiasm at Jewish celebrations and to lead Torah Services for Years 3-6.

Well done, students, on your wonderful efforts and thank you to the teachers who facilitate these activities!

Ms Colleen Elkins

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