Volume 24 Issue 30 23 Sep 2016 20 Elul 5776

From the parents and friends


Susie Rosen and Sharon Schulz

Ponderings from the P&F

It’s the end of Term 3 already!  We have a couple of reminders before we sign off for a few weeks.

Aladdin – The Hit Broadway Musical (Sunday 13 November at 6.30pm).
Bookings for Aladdin the Musical will be closing TODAY.

Last chance … Don’t miss out, so get online and book at:

Any questions? Email : Emanuel.aladdin@gmail.com

P&F Camping Trip 28 – 30 October
Bookings are now open for one of the highlights of the P&F calender, our camping trip:  www.trybooking.com/NAKV 

Wishing everyone Shanah Tovah and we look forward to seeing you in Term 4.
