Volume 28 Issue 4 22 Feb 2019 17 Adar I 5779

Primary Fundraising

Chloe Biller – Year 6 Fundraising Leader

This year our students are encouraged to donate a coin every week at Shabbat. At the end of the Term the money will go towards the JNF (The Jewish National Fund).
The JNF was founded in 1901 and has become one of the most significant environmental organisations in the Middle East and beyond. The JNF is a non-profit organisation meaning the money they make goes towards the people and the community. We can help the JNF by raising money and awareness for their current projects.
As a school we have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the environment and support one of the oldest and most respected organisations. By making a small donation each week, together we can make a special contribution to society and the state of Israel. Our donations will go towards building communities in Israel’s south and vital environmental projects such as planting more trees.
Please help support this wonderful cause.

Left to right: Tasha Adno, Chloe Csavas, Jasmin Melnikoff, Chloe Biller and Sara Morris