Volume 28 Issue 4 22 Feb 2019 17 Adar I 5779

Ma Koreh

Adam Carpenter – Head of Jewish Life Primary

JNF Tu BiShvat seder

Yigal Nissel, the JNF Education Shaliach, ran an interactive Tu BiShvat seder experience for students in Years 1, 2 and 3. This provided students with the opportunity to learn about the JNF and its important environmental activities Israel, whilst learning about and tasting the seven species mentioned in the Torah. Todah Rabah Yigal for being part of our school learning community.

JNF Tu BiShvat Seder Emanuel School 5
JNF Tu BiShvat Seder Emanuel School 4
JNF Tu BiShvat Seder Emanuel School 3
JNF Tu BiShvat Seder Emanuel School 1

To make further connections between the themes of Tu BiShvat and our responsibilities and relationships to the environment, Year 2 students read the story of The Giving Tree and were then invited to draw their own giving trees, deciding what their tree would ‘give’. The students came up with beautiful and creative illustrations and ideas, including playgrounds for children, homes for animals, comfort, money, food and love.

Tree 1
Tree 2
Tree 3
Tree 4