Volume 28 Issue 4 22 Feb 2019 17 Adar I 5779

Kol Szenes

It has been a great first few weeks back at school and everyone has finally settled into their normal school routine. In this week’s Szenes article, we want to start by welcoming all the Year 7s and their new Tutor, Mr Gilhooly to Szenes House. We also congratulate Ms Minton on the birth of her baby girl named Frankie and Ms Reed on her recent marriage! We welcome Ms Norman who will be replacing Ms Minton’s Tutor class and Ms Starkey who is replacing Ms Clarke while they are on leave. 

Last Friday was the annual Swimming Carnival, where Szenes displayed great House spirit. Everyone had lots of fun and loved taking part in races whether it was for fun or because of their passion for swimming. The day started very cloudy but turned into a hot and sunny day where students even danced to ruach songs during breaks. Emanuel spirit is always great to see at annual carnivals. We may not have won the carnival, but we definitely proved that Szenes has the most House spirit of any other House! We also thank Mia Port and Erin Nabarro, our House Captains, for the hard work that they put into organising the day. 

Finally, Year 7 and 8 have just returned from camp, a time that I remember making lots of new friends and becoming closer with my Year Group as a whole. We hope they had lots of fun and we are all looking forward to hearing about their camp experiences.

Tara Linker (Year 10)

Quote of the week

“Don’t limit your challenges- challenge your limits!”

Shabbat Shalom