Volume 27 Issue 33 02 Nov 2018 24 Heshvan 5779

Primary Colour Day

Gabriel Stiassny – Year 6 Play Leader

Years K- 2 Colour Day

The K-2 Play Leaders had the idea to make a fun activity for the Years K-2 children and call it Colour Day. Each student was given a colour and had to come to school dressed in that colour. Each Year 6 leader had a colour as well.

In the groups we had to make a team chant about our colours and create a poster in our colour. The theme of the poster was Dreams. Afterwards, each group shared their posters and chants with the other students.

Being a Play Leader taught us how to interact with younger children. We all had so much fun on Colour Day!

Thank you to Mrs Narunsky, Mrs Silver and Mrs Levenson for being our mentors.