Volume 27 Issue 33 02 Nov 2018 24 Heshvan 5779

Gifted and Talented parent workshop

Parent workshop

Are you a perfectionist? Perhaps you’d like to take a minute to think about it.

Our 3rd Gifted and Talented Parent Workshop began with parents completing a short (private) survey about themselves on ‘perfectionism’. The outcome of this led to many discussions about qualities displayed by their children, followed up by sharing of research-based literature on methods of coping with perfectionism.

See survey at the link: dl.motamem.org/Hewitt-Flett-Perfectionism-Scale-MPS.doc

Colleen Elkins | Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator K-6

Suzanne Plume – Gifted & Talented Co-ordinator 7-12 and Debating and Public Speaking 7-12

It is always amazing and inspiring when parents living in these frenetic times, after a long day, undergo a whirlwind of organisation to ensure that all evening routines are covered, so that they can venture out into the evening to seek to broaden their knowledge and understanding of their children. What a wonderful atmosphere of learning, sharing and camaraderie we experienced, with parents sharing their experiences and successful strategies for dealing with Highly Capable young ones. Further course material included sharing tips for parenting. Some advice from a well-respected professional in the field, Dr Sylvia Rimm, was used. See some links listed below.

Sylvia Rimm’s 12 Laws of Parenting – www.sylviarimm.com/article_rimmslaws.html

There are a plethora of very helpful articles by her –  www.sylviarimm.com/parentingarticles.html#Parenting

The evening was most enjoyable and rewarding and was effective in building co-operative home-school relationships. The children are lucky to have parents dedicated to doing the best for them!

Thank you to all who contributed to making the evening a success: Maintenance Staff for set-up, Michelle Favero and Belinda Levin for marketing and catering and to the parents – it was a joy to work with you.