Volume 27 Issue 33 02 Nov 2018 24 Heshvan 5779

Ma Koreh

Adam Carpenter | Head of Jewish Studies Primary

Year 4 students have been creatively engaged in Jewish Studies. They have been building up their skills in navigating, reading and interpreting their Tanakh and expressing their understanding in artistic ways.

This collage has no words or people, just the Tablets and the mountain. The mountain is pink because pink is a happy colour. It is also yellow because the Israelites were going to a land flowing with milk and honey. The commandments are blue because water is free and flowing, and water is blue.

By Ezra Glover-Sanders

I picture the Ten Commandments being held up by Moses on top of Mount Sinai. All of the Jewish people at the bottom of the mountain are feeling excited and nervous, because they don’t know what they are about to receive from God and Moses. Moses is feeling nervous because he is about to hold up something that will be handed down from generations to generations. He also has no idea what the Ten Commandments look like or what they actually are. God must be feeling excited because he is about to give them to someone who led a huge group of people out of Egypt. God has just created something that will be handed down from generation to generation. Mount Sinai is purple, because, according to Exodus, there was a big force field around the mountain. Anyone who touched it or went through were killed. All the animals are still and watching, like the Israelites at the bottom of the mountain.

By Xander Keller

Challah Cover – Shabbat Project Activity

by Phoebe Machlin

Designing and creating a menorah in the Imaginarium, based on the description in the Torah.

Avalon Gold, Kira Levin-Kahn and Jemma Adler