Volume 27 Issue 37 30 Nov 2018 22 Kislev 5779

Meir Advocate

Hello fellow Meirians! Week 7 has come to an end… and only two more weeks to go!

Idan Aruch

Meet a Meirian

The Meirian we have chosen this week is Idan Aruch in Year 9

We asked Idan three random questions. Here are his answers:

  1. If you could dis-invent something, what would it be?

If I could dis-invent one thing, it would have to be greenhouse gases so that there will be no more global warming.

  1. Would you rather be able to copy and paste in real life or undo in real life?

I would 100% rather be able to undo in real life so that I can fix all my mistakes and all the bad things we have done to this earth. Also, I could get rid of Donald Trump and all evil people who live on the earth.

  1. What is the main source of your procrastination?

The main source of my procrastination has got to be YouTube. If I’m not doing work, with friends or playing sport, I think you know where you’ll find me.

Writers Awards

Congratulations to all the Meirian students who participated in the Writers’ Awards last week.

Smith’s Family volunteering

The Smith’s Family “student2student” program works by matching students who need to improve their reading with peer buddies who help and encourage them with their reading. Each student and buddy receives an identical book pack and the reading buddy then telephones the student two to three times a week for at least 20 minutes, over an 18 week period. The student reads to the buddy, who uses the skills learnt in their training to assist the student while offering encouragement and praise. We have many Meirians who have been buddies this year and we would like to congratulate Paris Spennato, Angel Mitrani, Alix Cane and Tara Israel.

Well done on helping students with their reading all year… amazing work girls!

‘On The Couch’

Thank you to students that went on the Jilkminggan Trip – Tammy Kurlansky, Mia Jordan Schwartz, Isabel Saraf, Luca Moses, Tal Boskilla, Gabi Amoils, Zach Fidler and Tali Klevinsky –  for being ‘On The Couch’ in House Assembly, informing Meirian’s about their experience on the amazing trip.

Angel MItrani – Year 12 (2019)

Thank you to Angel Mitrani for being ‘On The Couch’ – providing an insight and passion behind the charity event that she ran on Kindness Day.

Shabbat Shalom and have a great weekend everyone!

Love, your Meir Editors, Charlotte and Tara