Volume 27 Issue 37 30 Nov 2018 22 Kislev 5779

From the Primary School

Natanya (Tany) Milner – Head of Primary

Emma Hill

Emma Hill and her husband, Casey, welcomed their first child on Sunday 25 November. Cooper James Morton was born at 9.20 am, weighing 2.9kg. He was a few weeks early and both Emma and Cooper are doing well. We wish the whole family congratulations and look forward to hearing more news in the months to come. Emma will remain on maternity leave until Term 4 of next year.

Anna Economou

Anna Economou has decided to take some time next year to be with her family. She will return to Emanuel in 2020 after a year’s leave. We thank Anna for all her work at Emanuel and wish her and her family all the very best for 2019.

The Lion King Jr

Oh my goodness … where do I begin? It was such a privilege to be involved in this year’s Primary School Musical. Not only was it a thoroughly enjoyable show, but I feel so blessed to work with such a talented team of staff and students who made the performances possible. We are blessed to be able to involve all our students in the show, highlighting the process of learning a piece of the puzzle and then polishing it to make it the highest possible quality to contribute to something even bigger. In true Emanuel style, this process also fosters cross age connections, a love of the creative arts and a sense of community. Whilst there are so many, many people to thank who contributed to the success of the show, I would like to single out some of the outstanding staff who were absolutely central to the success of the final product…

Emma Buzo, our wonderful director

Stacey Rosenfeld, our ever organised producer

Diana Springford, our musical director

Kym Parrish, our vocal coach

Danny Burley, our accompanist

Ben Marshall, our tech crew and lighting

Brooke Oldfield, Danny Burley, Alex Hone, Liz Birrell and Hagit Bar-On, for teaching and coordinating the class items and finale

Meghan Carroll, for helping Stacey with the scheduling and organisation.

My absolute gratitude also goes to the children who contributed so much over the year. The main cast have been rehearsing during lunchtimes, after school and on Sundays for many months. They have been such a wonderful team and have worked so collaboratively. The children who were the stage crew and tech crew were outstanding in their efficiency, effectiveness and sense of responsibility. All the students in K-6 were wonderful on stage and worked hard to create their items.

I would also like to thank the class and specialist teachers, school staff and parent helpers for their assistance with supervision, rehearsals, costumes, ticketing, makeup, photography and a myriad of other bits and pieces. Some parents and staff were involved on Sundays and prior to the shows and we are so grateful for their assistance to make the show possible. THANK YOU ALL!

I loved the words of Emanuel alumni and parent, Sarah Kummerfeld who wrote, “I wanted to let you know how incredibly impressed we were with the Lion King performance today. There is so much to say! From the superb lead singers to the remarkable logistics that seamlessly included every child in primary, the costumes, the kids playing the overture…I’ve never seen a show that so beautifully demonstrated both excellence and inclusiveness.”

Presentation Day and Night

Just a reminder about the Years K-2 Presentation Day and 3-6 Presentation Evening are coming up in a few weeks.

Years K-2 Presentation Day: Wednesday 12 December at 9.00 am

Years 3-6 Presentation Evening: Wednesday 12 December at 6.00 pm (please note that this is a compulsory school event)

Students in Years K-4 are asked to wear full summer uniform

Students in Years 5 and 6 are to wear their full uniform with blazer and tie

Please ensure shoes are shiny, hair is neat and tidy and all boys have a kippah.

News from Jilkminggan

I have received a message from the Principal of Jilkminggan who wanted to let us know that Jilk now has both Facebook and Instagram accounts. He has encouraged us to, “Feel free to take a look and follow all the great things the Jilk students are doing”.

Facebook: Search Jilkminggan School.

Instagram: jilkminggan_School.

Uniform news

I wanted to ensure that all parents are aware of the uniform change for Years 3 and 4 from the beginning of next year. Due to passionate student action and vote, we have agreed to have no longer have ties for Years 3 and 4 in the winter uniform.