Volume 27 Issue 37 30 Nov 2018 22 Kislev 5779

HICES Mathematics

On 13 November, Jesse Gothelf and Jake Sharp from Year 7 and Jesse Herdan and Samuel Moliver from Year 8 went to Blue Mountains Grammar School to compete in the HICES Mathematics day. It is a day to work with other like-minded students and to pit our problems skills against other schools. We won the day and this is the second time Emanuel has won this competition. The winning team is to be congratulated for their excellent problem-solving prowess.

The HICES Mathematics day consisted of 24 different schools who each had a four-person team. There were three rounds that all tested different types of maths and problem-solving ability.

Unexpectedly, we saw ourselves coming second on the leader board after two rounds. After seeing this, we were extremely motivated to do our best in the last round. We ended up doing incredibly in the last round and winning the overall competition! Overall, the day was extremely fun and an amazing experience.

Andrew Watt, Samuel Moliver, Jake Sharp, Jesse Gothelf, Jesse Herdan and Alice Henry