Volume 26 Issue 24 18 Aug 2017 26 Av 5777

Ma Koreh – Israeli podcasts and hard hearts

Adam Carpenter – Head of Jewish Life Primary

Weekly Torah Portion

Parashat Re’eih Deuteronomy 11:26 – 16:17

In this week’s Torah portion, Moshe continues to remind the people of the importance of observing the laws and the rules of the Torah and to separate themselves from the idol worshipping practices of other people. Moshe reaffirms the principles of kashrut and exhorts the people not to harden their hearts nor close their hands to the needy in the community.

Family discussion: Are we what we eat? What does it mean to have ‘hard heart’?

  • The Jewish dietary laws are known as kashrut, a word that means ‘fit’ or ‘proper’, prepared according to a set of rules. Are there certain kinds of food we should avoid consuming and for what reason?
  • What does it mean to ‘harden your heart’? What kinds of thinking or activities could people do to help them not have ‘hard hearts’?

A world of Jewish and Israeli-themed podcasts

Over the coming weeks we will be sharing a variety of Jewish- and- Israeli-themed podcasts.

The week’s recommendations:

Israel Story

Everyday stories, told by, and about, regular Israelis. Israel Story shines a spotlight on the little (and big!) dramas that comprise Israeli life, to tell the story of a different, diverse Israel and to amplify voices that are rarely heard on the mainstream media. By sharing multi-faceted narratives on thought-provoking themes, Israel Story aims to become a refreshing alternative. www.tabletmag.com/author/israel-story

Unorthodox:  a smart, fresh, fun weekly take on Jewish news and culture: www.tabletmag.com/tag/unorthodox