Volume 26 Issue 24 18 Aug 2017 26 Av 5777

Fun in the Gan

Gan Kef is officially open

Last term the Primary SRC ran a competition with the Years K-6 students to find a name and to design a sign for the new Kindergarten playground/garden. 

Members of the Primary SRC


Mazal tov to Lara Eisenberg, Year 1, who came up with the name of Gan Kef / Garden of Fun and Leah Grunseit, Year 4, who designed the winning sign.

Leah and Lara with their certificates

The new Gan was officially opened on Wednesday with the ribbon cutting and unveiling taking place in glorious sunshine and warm weather. Adam Carpenter and Hagit Bar-On led the students in prayers and shared stories about gardens, the sky, ground, water and of course, humans. The students then blessed the Gan Kef with the Shehecheyanu prayer.

Judd Karro, Year K, told us: “I love playing in the new garden. There is so much equipment to play on and it’s so much fun to go on the slide and pole”.

Talia Gellert, also in Year K, loves to play in the Gan and especially likes the monkey bars.

Talia and Judd enjoying the monkey bars


When you are next at school, have a wander around the garden, enjoy the peaceful sitting areas and have a look at the sign which clearly shows just how much fun the Gan is.

Michelle Favero, Manager of Marketing and Communications