Volume 27 Issue 26 31 Aug 2018 20 Elul 5778

Ma Koreh

Adam Carpenter | Head of Jewish Studies Primary

Year 6 and ‘Courage to Care’

This term our Year 6 students have been engaging in an integrated learning program in both general and Jewish Studies, focusing on pre-war Jewish Life in Europe and experiences during WWII and the Shoah. They are engaged in Project Heritage, have visited the Sydney Jewish Museum and this week experienced B’nai B’rith’s ‘Courage to Care’ program.

Our students were privileged to hear the testimony and story of survivor Susan Warhaftig, who openly shared her experiences and prompted many questions from the students. Students learnt about the actions of Righteous Amongst the Nations, people such as Raul Wallenberg and Sir Nicholas Winton, ordinary people who acted in extra-ordinary ways, to help save Jews during the Shoah.

Inspired by the actions of people who had the courage to care, students reflected on what it means to be a bystander when acts of bullying, hatred and racism occur today. They reflected on contemporary experiences of bullying, what it means to be an upstander and to have the courage to care to help others.

Sasha Becker said: “I think the story of Nicholas Winton was very interesting. The video of Nicholas meeting many of the children he saved as adults, many years later, was very touching and made me shocked by how many people died because of by-standers.”

Agnes Seeman facilitating a Courage to Care discussion

Faye Radom presenting Courage to Care to Year 6

Susan Warhaftig and Kian Hambuger