Volume 27 Issue 26 31 Aug 2018 20 Elul 5778

Student Devar Torah

Alexis Joffe – Year 9

Jonathan Schach – Year 9

Ki Tavo

This week’s Parashah is Ki Tavo. In this parashah, the Israelites are instructed that after entering the Promised Land, they are to bring a fruit offering to God and recite a formal statement that recounts their history. This parashah also states that 1/10th of what they harvest in their new Land is to be given to those less fortunate so they may have something on which to live. Today, as then, we should be helping others who may not be as fortunate as we.

God says his help is dependant upon the people following His rules and requirements. This allows us to understand that if we want something in life, it will not come for free. The Israelites are told they will be rewarded for doing good. This relates to our modern day life in that if we do the right thing, great things could happen for us.