Volume 27 Issue 26 31 Aug 2018 20 Elul 5778

Books for Africa

Emanuel School collects over 2000 books!

Week 5 was a great challenge collecting books for ABCA (Australian Books for Children of Africa). The four of us collected books from the Primary classrooms and the Pre-school and packed them into boxes for hours every day.

The ABCA is a charity that collects  books for children and sends them to Africa. The children who receive the books are really grateful for your efforts. It was a wonderful week of giving and receiving.

Most of the schools in Africa that the books are shipped to, only have books that have been donated by the ABCA. These children have much less than any of us and we really appreciated your support. We collected over 2000 books this year and it will make a huge impact on the lives of these children.

On the Friday of Week 5, the Primary School had a Book Week Dress Up Day. There were many bright costumes and cheery faces From Cat In The Hat to Harry Potter.

Students were asked to bring in a gold coin donation to go to shipping fees for the books.

Thank you to Mrs Cohen, Ms Cameron-Gardner, Mr Stein, Mrs Singer and all the teachers who supported the cause and helped make everything happen.

We also thank all the students and parents who donated books and took the time to help the children of Africa.

Gabriella Dyce, Liberty Waldner, Arielle Sharp and Avalon van der Starre (Year 5)