Volume 27 Issue 27 07 Sep 2018 27 Elul 5778

K-6  Pyjama and Movie Day fundraiser

The Year 6 Charity Leaders and Years K-2 Play Leaders have collaborated to have a K-6 Pyjama and Movie Day fundraiser on Week 8, Friday 14 September. The money that we raise will go towards the Pyjama Foundation, which is a charity that helps foster children change the direction of their lives by helping them with their education. All students in Years K-6 are able to come to school dressed in their pyjamas. Please note students must wear appropriate school footwear e.g. sneakers, not slippers. Each child will be asked to bring along a gold coin donation to support this worthwhile cause.  

At lunchtime, there will be movies shown, one for Year K-2 and another for Years 3-6. We are looking forward to raising money and having some fun at the same time.

Year 6 Charity Leaders and Year K-2 Play Leaders