Volume 27 Issue 27 07 Sep 2018 27 Elul 5778

Year 12 Business Studies Excursion

Allegra Goldman

The Business Studies excursion to Pure Gelato Factory in Croydon Park and Taronga Park Zoo, allowed the Year 12 students to draw connections between the business syllabus dot points and the practical business world. A highlight of our visit to the Pure Gelato Factory was being able to speak with a business owner in an informal discussion setting, learning about the thought process that occurs when making operational and marketing decisions to achieve his key performance indicators. Following this, we had the opportunity to see the ice-cream being made, which was another highlight.

After the factory, we made our way to Taronga Park Zoo to further expose ourselves to a real business that closely engages with the Marketing and the Human Resources department in order to thrive and sustain a positive performance in a competitive industry.

Both, Pure Gelato Factory and Taronga Park Zoo broadened our knowledge about the four business departments in the syllabus and the fundamental influences, processes and strategies that need to be considered for real businesses to successfully achieve their objectives.