Volume 27 Issue 27 07 Sep 2018 27 Elul 5778

From the Primary Library

Ginette Cameron-Gardner -Primary Teacher/Librarian

The last completers of the NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge 2018 which closed at midnight on 31 August are:

Gideon Pozniak (Year 6)

Talia Franks, Jonathan Levy, Joshua Ottaviano, Max Salamon, Sam Salamon, and Sarah Manoy, Violet Nathanson (Year 5)

Lia Brock, Declan Christie, Jack Kessel, Tehya Miller, Rory Nathan, Gabriel Pozniak  (Year 4)


Julia Manoy (Year 3)

Rafael Kuper, Ariel Nurick, Mahli Olian and Miri Stern (Year 2)

Gem Roffe-Nassi and Lily Smaller (Year 1)           

Congratulations to all students who have completed the NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge 2018. Thank you to all parents who have assisted with registering their child’s reading.

Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) 2018 theme: Find your Treasure

We had a really successful CBCA Book Parade on Friday 24 August.

Congratulations to all who were involved. There were so many wonderful costumes. Many thanks go to  Meghan Carroll our very able Deputy Head of Primary and Ben Marshall from IT who were major logistical organisers of the event. So many staff members entered into the spirit of the event and dressed up. Norman Stern from the Primary Library was not easily recognised in his very realistic Pirate costume, he was also responsible for the Pirate-themed Displays in the Primary Library and has been helping the students find their treasure in books.


The students have been studying the Children’s Book Council of Australia shortlisted books this term. They selected which they thought should win after evaluating them against specific criteria.

The majority selected the book that actually won and were able to justify why they selected it.  Those who selected other books as the winner also had valid reasons as they are near or at the age of the audience that the author wrote it for.

The Book of the Year: Early Childhood

The winner of Book of the Year was Rodney Loses it! by Michael Gerard Bauer, Chrissie Krebs (illustrator)

Rodney was a rabbit who loved nothing more than drawing. He never found it tiresome, tedious or boring. But then one day, disaster struck, the one thing Rodney feared, while working at his drawing desk, his pen, just… DISAPPEARED! A truly hysterical search for a missing pen, by award-winning author, Michael Gerard Bauer.