Volume 27 Issue 1 02 Feb 2018 17 Shevat 5778

School photos and student general information

Maxine Chopard – Assistant to Deputy Principal

General information for the start of 2018

  • Reception sign-in: High School students must sign in at Reception if they arrive after 8.50 am. Primary students to sign in with Nicolle Rubin in Primary Office. If a student leaves the School for an appointment and returns, the same process is required. Late arrival, early leave, leave and absence information is to be sent to: absence@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au
  • Opal cards: Applications are completed online: transportnsw.info/school-students

All online applications sent to the online school portal have been endorsed and are in the process of being checked for entitlement by Transport NSW. Students can travel on buses, without a card, for the first two weeks during this processing period. If the Opal card does not arrive after the second week of school, please contact me.

  • Sun safety: All students are required to wear hats during lunch. Sunscreen is available at both the Waxman Drive and the basketball areas of the School.
  • Labelling of items: Remember to clearly label all personal items especially uniforms, lunch boxes and water bottles. It is important to label all camp and event items belonging to your child.
  • Lost and found: Lost and found uniform items should be placed in the red bin outside the PAC which is cleared every Friday. Students must immediately report a lost computer, phone or any other expensive item.
  • Uniform standards and safety standards: Please click on this link https://myportal.emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au/parent/uniform/ for uniform requirements and standards (including safety standards). All students are expected to adhere to these.

School photographs are scheduled to be taken by Advancedlife Photography on 7 February 2018

Uniform requirements for Years 5-12

  • Formal winter uniform: Blazers, ties, no stockings for girls, the regular white school summer uniform socks and no jumpers
  • All students are expected to be neatly dressed, hair tied back, shoes polished, wear no extraneous jewellery and be clean shaven (High School boys).
  • Boys are reminded to wear their kippot for school photographs.
  • Wednesday is usually the regular Sport uniform day for High School students but this will be waived.
  • Years K-4 students should be dressed in their summer uniforms.

Absentee photo day

  • If a student is absent on 7 February, I will inform him or her of their schedule of attendance on the absentee day photo shoot which is on 16 February .

Sibling photos

Every year we have a great celebration of family through sibling photos.

Some sibling photos will be taken on 7 February but the bulk will be taken on 16 February. I will advise you of which date these will be taken.


Orders for sibling photographs can be placed securely online at www.advancedlife.com.au using our School’s unique 9-digit online order codeTPM ETQ DKZ. Online orders must be placed no later than 6 February.

Sibling photographs will only be taken if an order has been placed.

Should you have any queries concerning school photographs or online ordering, please contact enquiries@advancedlife.com.au

Please contact mchopard@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au for any school-based enquiries.

We look forward to celebrating Emanuel students through these photographic memories.