Volume 27 Issue 1 02 Feb 2018 17 Shevat 5778

Emanuel Writing Competition

Emanuel’s 100 Word Story Competition

Think you can write an entertaining 100-word story?

The challenge is on for Years 3-6 students, parents and staff.

Write a story consisting of exactly 100 words (not including the title) and submit it to the Primary G&T Department by Friday 16 February either in hard copy or via email to celkins@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au

The competition will have three categories: Years 3 and 4; Years 5 and 6; parents/grandparents/staff.


  • The theme is your choice
  • All work is to be original
  • Adults should not help children
  • Children should not help adults
  • Stories should be your own work 
  • Care should be taken with grammar and proofreading
  • One entry per person
  • At the bottom of your story please add the following sentence: I declare that this is my own work.

The top entries will be shortlisted by the judges and published in an anthology, along with the winning entries.

The winner in each student category will receive a small monetary prize and the adult will receive a small prize. Each student participant will receive a certificate.

Please ensure that each entry has a name, class or contact details and the category entered.

Adults may use a pseudonym if desired, but should then include a phone number.

Final winners will be published in Ma Nishma on Friday 2 March.

Go on – take up the challenge!