Volume 27 Issue 1 02 Feb 2018 17 Shevat 5778

From the Head of Jewish Life

Rabbi Daniel Siegel

Happy New Years

This week we began our new school year and celebrated our New Year for Trees (Rosh HaShanah LaIlanot), Tu BiShevat.

Each House in our High School created and engaged in a unique Tu BiShevat program, expressive of the values and vision of its namesake and our Emanuel ethos.

Our entire staff joined in a tree planting ceremony, conducted by our High School House Captains and Jewish Life Madrichim, honouring and welcoming our new Principal, Andrew Watt.

Our Primary students, likewise, engaged in a variety of Tu BiShevat celebrations and planted tomato and strawberry seeds which they will tend and nurture making for their own development as young caregivers.

In this week of New Years, our Emanuel community began anew in sowing the seeds of growth and hope.

Our Jewish tradition teaches: “If you are holding a sapling and you are told the Messiah has arrived, first plant the sapling and only after greet the Messiah”.

For the flourishing of our children and the future of our world, we must never stop planting.

Front row: Alexandra Levy, Terry Aizen, Renee Schneider. Middle row: Michelle Favero, Deborah Beder, Isabelle Anne, Holly Dillon, Linda Bloch, Maxine Chopard. Back row: Charlie McCaskill , Joseph Peacock, Sarah Jenkins and Justine Robertson

Planting a tree for Emanuel are 13 of our staff members who recently returned from Israel where they were participants in the Inaugural JNF Australian Educators Tour.

In our upcoming Ma Nishma we will post their reflections, memories and experiences. In addition, we will share pictures and hear from our Year 11 students on their Israel, Chavayah, trip. Photos of this week’s Tu BiShevat plantings and celebrations will be featured in next week’s Ma Nishma, as well. 

May we all experience a year of joyous learning and growth.