Volume 27 Issue 15 01 Jun 2018 18 Sivan 5778

From the Principal

Andrew Watt – Principal

Smartphones, health and self-control

World renowned Finnish education expert, Dr Pasi Sahlberg, has recently weighed in to the argument surrounding the use of smartphones in schools, advocating keeping them stored away at school and reinforcing “safe, responsible and smart use of technology.” Attributing distractions related to smartphone use to our decline in (international) PISA rankings, Dr Sahlberg suggests that we must teach our students to exercise self-control around phone use. I suspect that the issue is more complicated, and that the (over)use of technology is but 1 significant factor. However, having mobile devices tucked away in lockers, with limited access during breaks, may positively impact our student’s physical and social health, and generate greater focus in our classrooms. This article can be accessed through the following link: www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/schools-need-to-react-quickly-education-expert-urges-smartphone-ban-20180525-p4zhm4.html

Checking in with our Primary School madrichim

I enjoy my termly lunches with both Primary School and High School madrichim! I asked them whether they were enjoying their leadership journey – and received and enthusiastic affirmation. I have shared some of their insights below:

“It has been a privilege to be a leader and learn more skills.” (Ethan)

“I have learnt to be patient and to explain my ideas in more detail. It is easier to work in a team with more ideas flowing through.” (Sienna)

“I try to be a good role model and watch what I say and do because the little children look up to us.” (Jack)

“Everyone can be a leader if they have a goal and organise it. That’s what we do in our Mad sessions and then we go away and do the work. I like helping people find their own ways of helping themselves.” (Jasper)

“I have learnt to be patient. At our meetings everyone has something to say. We try to take turns. It’s a good thing that there are so many ideas.” (Gideon)

“I have learnt team work with the madrichim and with the younger children, like when we teach prayers.” (Stacey)

“I have become better at speaking in front of people and at assembly. I have become patient teaching Year 3 prayers.” (Georgia)

“We have become a better team. Over time we have got to know each other better and plan together better.” (Leah)

“I have become more confident and become better friends with the other madrichim. I have learnt to take other approaches to things and I am still learning.” (Connor)

After expressing appreciation for their contribution to the culture and operations within our Primary School, I offered advice (as Principals tend to do):

  • Pace yourself to keep your energy high throughout the role
  • Be organised in advance
  • Support and encourage each other
  • Enjoy the journey.

World Business Forum

I had the privilege of hearing some of the world’s most influential figures in the business world and beyond – CEO’s, entrepreneurs, innovators, thought leaders and creative minds present on innovating, connecting, leading and transforming. Our very own Emanuel parent, Rachel Botsman, presented on Digital Transformation. I was informed that this forum “brought together 1 000’s of restless minds,” and I was not disappointed! I want to share with you some gems from a presentation by Sir Ken Robinson, on “The Pulse of Innovation.” His premise was that all people have hidden talents that need to be uncovered; that we are all unique – and that the role of educators is to uncover and cultivate these talents. He talked about the challenges of changing technologies and the need to nurture a culture of adaptability. He observed that all humans are inherently creative, imaginative and different from all other life forms, as we can anticipate the future, review the past, and enjoy empathy. So, from this, our challenge is to develop a culture of regular innovation, to encourage our students to regularly exercise their imagination and put it to work (creativity), to encourage lifelong curiosity. As we move forward we will explore how we can support our staff and students to develop creative ideas and follow them through, promoting a lifelong love of learning. The difficult part for our school team will be to translate this commitment into the practicalities of our programs and activities.

Rachel Botsman speaking at the World Business Forum on Thursday


Emanuel trial of Family Zone, Cyber Safety app

Our trial of Family Zone has concluded and we have gathered feedback from students and parents – many of whom expressed that they would continue to use the app. As a result, we have partnered with Family Zone to provide an optional layer of cyber safety. Family Zone provides parental controls in-home and on mobile devices, giving parents the tools to monitor and protect their children from online risks and the power to intervene effectively when incidents occur. I have included links below:

For more information please visit our Parent and Student Cyber Safety page on My Portal. http://myportal.emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au/parent/cyber-safety/.

With the internet at their fingertips, young people have access to a virtually limitless world, so parents should be aware of the risks and take steps to manage the use of technology in the home. Teaching your child to be cyber safe will help them to engage with the online world safely, responsibly and discerningly and can assist to protect them from online risks. Some ideas on how you can protect your children as they operate in the online world are outlined below.

  1. Talk with your child: Ensure that you regularly talk with your children about their online experiences. Ask them what they have seen or done, and if they have had any problems. If you hear about a site which concerns you, have a look for yourself.

Helpful Parent Cyber Safety Links

2.    Implement family rules for home devices: Establishing a consistently applied set of rules for smartphone and other digital devices can help to build awareness of expectations, boundaries and consequences.

Download a Cyber Safe Digital Contract template here

Download a Phone Use Contract template here

3.    Use an internet filter: Sometimes children are faced with online situations that they simply don’t know how to handle. Whilst we do our best to educate our students and protect them from inappropriate online content, with filters at school, we find that these controls are not always available to parents on their home devices. 

Cancer Council’s Biggest Lunch

On Wednesday the whole school staff came together and enjoyed a delicious lunch raising over $2,000 for the Cancer Council. To read the full story and more photos see the Marketing and Communication page.

Mazal tov

  • Brody Elbourne – CDSSA Cross Country winner
  • Ethan De Melo – played at CIS Football Championships on Monday
  • Jordan Weizman – played at CIS Football Championships on Monday/Tuesday
  • To the 16 brave High School students who cut their hair on Wednesday for Cut for Cancer. They raised over $4,000 and donated their hair to charities supporting those battling cancer. Below is their after photo!


“Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.”

Chinese proverb

Shabbat Shalom