Volume 27 Issue 15 01 Jun 2018 18 Sivan 5778

From Primary Library

Ginette Cameron-Gardner- Primary Teacher/Librarain

There is much excitement in the Primary Library and it is now not just the location of a wonderful collection of Literature that opens up imaginative worlds to the students but also the Coding lessons they attend there on Fridays. This is a wonderful venue and many events are held here.



Congratulations to the following students who have recently completed the NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge 2018 bringing the number of completers to 13.

Mazal tov to מזל טוב

Year 1 students Joel Hersh and  Dan Kalinko.

Year 5 students, Gemma Wainstein and Ariel Bloom

Year 6 student, Sophie Masnick.

Fablehaven by Brandon Mull

Another of the series that is now held in the Primary Library is Fablehaven, an engaging adventure and fantasy series that should hook even the reluctant readers.  The content is suitable for Year 5 upwards.

While their parents are away on a Scandinavian cruise, 13-year-old Kendra and 11-year-old Seth Sorenson travel to their grandparents’ house, but they find Grandma is mysteriously missing. Grandpa Sorenson and Dale the groundskeeper are there. He sets up a complex puzzle for them to solve which involves 6 keys and a locked journal which Kendra unlocks. Inside the journal she reads “drink the milk”. Dale puts ‘magical’ milk out for Kendra and Seth each morning which, when they drink it, has an eye-opening effect on them.  

Grandpa Sorenson, is revealed as the current caretaker of Fablehaven which they discover is where, for centuries,mystical creatures have been gathered to protect them from extinction. Exciting adventures begin.