Volume 27 Issue 15 01 Jun 2018 18 Sivan 5778

Biggest Afternoon Lunch

Michelle Favero – Manager of Marketing and Communications

Australia’s Biggest Afternoon Lunch

For over 10 years Emanuel School staff have been supporting the Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea. It has, over time, morphed into Australia’s Biggest Afternoon Lunch, allowing more staff to take part. Raising money is a pretty easy task due to the generosity of our staff. Each Department invests time and money into creating a raffle basket. This year was particularly delicious and delightful with an Israeli food basket, a movie and munchies basket and a healthy eating bonanza to name a few.

Thank you to a number of companies who generously donated goods for the raffle: Amaze in Taste, Back 2 Earth, Bake Bar, Eden Flower Design, The Good Guys Tempe, Hair by Jennifer Barker, Tucker, Office Max and getyoo.

In 1 hour we raised $2270 – a massive achievement. This, together with the $4000 that the students raised cutting their hair will make a huge difference to the lives of those living with Cancer. Kol Ha’kavod!