Volume 32 Issue 25 25 Aug 2023 8 Elul 5783

From the Principal

Andrew Watt – Principal

Promoting consent and respect

It was not until 2021 that the issues around consent were put under the national spotlight through the actions of Chanel Contos. Nearly 7000 female young adults recorded their harrowing experiences on Contos’ social media account, launching a new movement that demanded the explicit teaching of consent in schools. The themes of consent and respect are embedded in our K-12 curriculum and wellbeing program. Our age-appropriate, developmental programs form part of our whole-school approach to develop the values, skills, knowledge and behaviours that contribute to respectful and consensual relationships. These values are reinforced through both our Jewish Studies program and messages in our student assemblies.

The partnership between parents and the School is important, as we reinforce and model respect. The Centre for Community Child Health, Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne provides families with some excellent advice: Early talks about consent when children are young can lay the groundwork for open and direct conversations about sexual consent when children are older. For younger children, parents can introduce ideas about consent long before they relate it to sex.

For example, parents can:

  • respect children’s choices about touch and privacy
  • teach children about respecting other people’s choices and boundaries
  • draw children’s attention to nonverbal cues that indicate consent
  • ask for consent for things like sharing images.

As children move towards the teenage years, parents can start talking more openly and directly about sexual consent. For example, parents can:

  • explain that clear, respectful and constant communication is key to sexual consent
  • encourage teenagers to think about how their behaviours during sex can make other people feel
  • talk about how to give and seek consent
  • let teenagers know that it’s OK to say no and that pressure to have sex isn’t always violent or forceful – it can be verbal or emotional.

Our Care and Consent Education Committee, led by Margaret Lowe, organised an outstanding event for our parents and teachers this week, showcasing our programs and initiatives relating to consent and respect. Our guest speaker was Grace Tame, Australian of the Year (2021), a wonderful advocate for intervention and education in this space. Grace shared her harrowing personal experiences and her ongoing fight for social action and youth education.

A solution to a key source of frustration for our parents

Despite our best efforts, our lost property bins fill up each week with various items of school uniform. Those items of clothing that are clearly labelled are returned promptly. Sadly, after labelled items are returned, the bins remain nearly full! The simplest solution would be for families to label each item of clothing. With this in mind, our Midford Shop has recommended Cash’s personalised heat transfer name labels. Craft sew-in name labels are also available. This small investment of time and money will reap rich dividends for each family.

Our entertaining HSC Music Showcase

On Monday, an audience of families and students enjoyed a variety of excellent musical performances. Each student performed two pieces within their repertoire, and these ranged from vocal, piano, drums and voice and guitar combinations. The depth of talent this year is impressive, and we are grateful for the significant direction and support provided by their teacher, Adam Majsay and the Music Department. Mazal tov to our performers, who will soon be performing before the external HSC marking team.

Year 9 Ski Camp

Ski Camp is always a highlight for our Year 9 students, and this year did not disappoint. The camp kicked off with magnificent weather and students enjoyed their first lesson in near perfect conditions. The following day, despite rain and poor conditions, the students enjoyed a second phenomenal day of skiing, displaying courage and enthusiasm, despite the challenges. I am pleased to hear that the instructors have commented on the students’ manners, resilience and kindness towards one another.

Lara Ephron, our camp co-ordinator, has reported that the students are rapidly advancing through the skill levels and that the group of beginner snow boarders who have only just started on Merritts are “absolutely carving it up”.

I have received a heartfelt plea from Year 9 student, Jack, who asked: “Can we stay here for one year so that we can ski every day and just do online learning?”. Whilst I am sorry to disappoint Jack and his peers, it is obvious that the students will return from Ski Camp with special memories that will last a lifetime. 

The School’s history, one dot at a time

On Tuesday, our Years K-6 students gathered to create a collective contemporary Aboriginal painting that pays homage to the local Gadigal people of the Eora Nation and the rich history of Emanuel School. The painting represents the deep connection to land, sea and the sky of the local Aboriginal people and the celebration of the School’s 40th anniversary. Tany Milner and I had the privilege of including our handprints on the painting, representing our commitment to our students, the School and our community. 

Brian Cook, Manager at Wandana, shared the day from his perspective: 

“From the moment we arrived and were greeted with a warm smile and a gentle kindness we were made to feel very welcome. Everyone was so respectful and enthusiastic. Both teachers and students participating in all activities with gusto! And we loved the contribution from you students who had travelled to the Northern Territory previously. It all linked in beautifully by connecting with our Wandana educators.
“Gabby mentioned that she had never felt so respected and welcomed by a school before. We genuinely loved every moment together and can’t wait to see you all again soon to share exciting, new experiences together!”
I thank the P&F for generously donating the painting to the School in honour of our 40th Anniversary. It will take pride of place in the B’Yachad Building upon its opening later this year. For more on this inspiring project, click on the article Four Concentric Circles.

Mazal tov

Our Open Girls Futsal team took out the JDS Cup against Moriah with only five players, winning 8-2. Whilst our Open Boys team did not win, they fought valiantly before sucumbing 6-7.

Quote of the week

“A person should have wings to carry them where their dreams go, but sometimes a pair of skis makes a good substitute.” ~ Hans Gmoser, Mountaineer