Volume 32 Issue 25 25 Aug 2023 8 Elul 5783

Artificial Intelligence Day

You’re in for a wild ride!

Buckle up because you’re in for a wild ride! We recently had the incredible opportunity to spend a day hanging out with Mr  Aghion and delving deep into the mesmerising world of AI. From exploring the ins and outs of every single AI form – yep, even those tricky deep fakes – to getting hands-on with teachable machines that felt straight out of a sci-fi movie. We even rolled up our sleeves and crafted our very own AI model designed to be the ultimate helper in school. So, if you’re as hyped as we are about the mind-boggling possibilities of AI, you’re definitely in for a treat. Let’s dive in! 

AI stands for artificial intelligence, but what do those big words mean? In simple terms AI is a computer system that is as smart or smarter than humans. The artificial part of AI means that it is a system created by humans. The intelligence part means that it can interact with its environment and learn over time. Although AI is a programmed system, it can still make its own choices. Did you know that Facebook shut down their AI because it became too dangerous? 

We looked at how AI could improve the School. This was one of our ideas. AI can improve the school by adding an application to the security cameras so that they can measure the amount of people doing GWTF, walking, riding bikes and catching buses. AI can be given access to the bus cameras to see how many people go on each bus, so the teachers know how many buses to schedule and what routes they should take.

A big part of the AI day was learning about current applications of AI including algorithms and different types of AI such as Adobe Firefly, DALLE 2 and ChatGPT, as well as learning how and why they are used in real life. We saw many examples of AI being constantly used. It is used in movies and TV shows when creating sets, adding animals or creatures, special effects and swapping faces when doing stunts. Other examples we looked at were deep fakes, which are impersonations of people, becoming an even bigger threat as AI technology gets more and more powerful. We looked at a Coca Cola advertisement made only by AI, which looked very realistic as well as having an amazing concept behind it. All of these examples are just some of the things we looked at, and it just goes to show that AI is a great tool, being constantly used in our everyday lives.

In conclusion we are sure AI day was an amazing experience for everyone in Year 6. Everyone learned amazing new things and strategies.

A big thank you to Mr Aghion, Head of Innovation at Emanuel. We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this amazing day. Thank you. 

By Kira Maisel, Judd Karro, Nathan Joshua, Idan Shalem and Tomer Simhi (Year 6)