Volume 32 Issue 25 25 Aug 2023 8 Elul 5783

Respect and Consent

Margaret Lowe – Deputy Principal

Grace Tame

We hosted an evening on Consent and Respect, with guest speaker Grace Tame, on Monday evening. The goal was to continue to work in partnership with parents/carer’s and teachers to protect children and young people from harm wherever and whenever it may occur. The evening was well-attended, testimony to the shared belief that all children and young people should be safe at school, at home, at their various activities and across the locations they visit.

In recent years we have all heard more about consent and respect and the issues that can occur. I truly hope that as a society we are developing a better understanding of child safety and the important roles parents and teachers play.

In February of 2021, Chanel Contos brought consent and respect to the forefront with a petition that shocked us. It was unfathomable to hear from so many young people who had experienced abuse in social settings. One positive outcome from Chanel’s work was a change to consent laws. In June last year affirmative consent became law.

The Child Safe Standards were also released last year. These recommendations came from the findings of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, commencing in 2014 and concluding in December 2017. The Royal Commission highlighted the need for organisations like schools to be proactive in keeping children safe and to be responsive to all allegations. It also raised awareness of peer-on-peer abuse.

So what is Emanuel School actually doing? 

There are some things that are mandated for all schools. Like all schools, Emanuel School complies with the requirements of obtaining a WWCC, ensuring staff are trained in Child Protection each year, maintaining our Child Protection Policy and Procedures, promoting our Code of Conduct and asking very specific questions when we conduct reference checks. There are many small things in place that are second nature to us, like having glass panels in doors to rooms that might have a teacher and student present so that people can always be seen. We are active in the space of compliance around child safety. Please take a moment to watch this video which we played at the event, providing a summary of our School’s current Consent and Respect programs.

But this is not enough. We underpin our compliance measures with a culture that is child focused and questions boundary violations of any sort. We articulate the need to monitor, to observe, to question and to let people know when something doesn’t seem right. 

However, research is telling us that we need to do more. Children and young people will have added layers of protection when they hear sex positive messages and when sexual wellbeing is normalised. Children and young people will have added layers of protection when consent is taught earlier. Children and young people will have added layers of protection when sex education includes diverse genders and sexualities. Children and young people will have added layers of protection when cultures of entitlement are removed. Children and young people will have added layers of protection when toxic cultures no longer exist.


References for parents

NSW Child Safe Standards 
Parents and carers are encouraged to partner with schools in ensuring child safe practices in the School community. The Association of Independent Schools NSW has provided information for all parents via video. Please take 5 minutes to watch the video relevant to your child’s age: Child Protection Awareness for Parents and Community for the Secondary School Child Protection Awareness for Parents and Community for the Junior School

If you have any concerns or queries, please contact Margaret Lowe (Deputy Principal) via email  or Reception (8383 7333).