Volume 32 Issue 3 17 Feb 2023 26 Shevat 5783

From the Deputy Principal

Margaret Lowe – Deputy Principal


The amount of traffic around the School during drop off and pick up times is considerable. We understand the convenience of having students starting at the same time rather than staggering start and finish times, as was required during the pandemic, but this does mean we have MANY cars here at the same time. For our traffic to be manageable, we need to reduce the number of cars dropping off and picking up. Here are some ways parents can help:

  1. Students can take the school bus or public transport
  2. Students can walk if they live close enough
  3. Students can cycle to school (wearing a helmet)
  4. Parents can organise a carpool roster.

The dedicated school bus routes that service our School provide an excellent means of transport to and from school for the majority of students at Emanuel. Parents and students are encouraged to use these services instead of driving children to school. Our very young students do need to be dropped off and picked up but, by Year 3, it is recommended that children use the bus service, if possible. Students younger than Year 3 could be on the bus with an older sibling. Information about the school bus service can be found on the parent portal or below. Please check the maps carefully to see if your child could use the bus service. Perhaps you can drop your child to a bus stop rather than bring them all the way to school.

The other important aspect of our traffic management is compliance. When parents comply with our Go With The Flow System, the traffic flow and safety of the students is maximised. Alternately, we experience significant issues, particularly with our neighbour relations, when parents make their own arrangements such as: 

  • asking their children to meet them a block away
  • dropping students outside the Go With The Flow area
  • stopping in driveways
  • making U turns
  • turning right from Stanley Street
  • driving south (up) Chepstow Street. 

Please be familiar with our procedures and ensure you are complying with them. Go With The Flow  Please also remember to ensure your children’s names are clearly visible ideally on the dashboard in your car.

Lastly, please co-operate with our traffic wardens who may need to remind you about our procedures or ask you to move away from an area. These staff members deserve the respect and courtesy of our parents, grandparents and community.

Emanuel School buses:

  • 683e
  • 697e
  • 704e – to Maroubra, only in the afternoon

Bus routes

Please click on the links for the bus route.

683e – Watson’s Bay to Emanuel School
697e – Dover Heights to Mount Sinai College
704e – Moriah College Queens Park to Maroubra Beach (afternoon only)