Volume 32 Issue 3 17 Feb 2023 26 Shevat 5783


Claire Pech – Careers Advisor

This infographic Copy of Education-Future-Infographic-2022* from McCrindle shares statistics on 16-24 year olds and their attitudes towards work, their futures, the way they would like to work and their own learning.

A few stand out key changes that I would like to highlight are:

  • the new ways of student learning has website and teachers almost equal.
  • the majority – 60% – want work flexibility with hybrid working models. Companies that do not offer this flexibility will simply lose the best staff.
  • 48% of young people are working on a small side project (or side hustle) whilst still being a traditional employee.
  • the shift from people wanting security has moved to people wanting purpose, as a driver for career decisions.

The statistic that should give all students comfort – 73% of young people have a few ideas but don’t know exactly what they want to do. At this young and early stage we don’t want students to feel they have to know where their future lies.

As I mention often, all we want is them to start looking at some pieces of this big puzzle, start to gather information and see where their interests take them. Time tends to reveal lots of fascinating information that just isn’t uncovered at the age of 16, 17 and 18.

Generally we need to dabble in some new courses, new companies, new groups of people and new ideas to start to get a feel for what suits us and our own skill set. But it all takes time. Patience is key!

There are some amazing free webinars put on by The University of Sydney for Term 1 – click on the link to register.

*This infographic was produced before ChatGPT, so will be revised in the future.