Volume 32 Issue 3 17 Feb 2023 26 Shevat 5783

Years 7 and 8 go to camp

Sienna Poswell – Year 11, Peer Support L eader

Day 1

Leaving school early on Monday morning began our journey to Camp Somerset. Smiles, nervous energy, and oversized bags weighed the bus down. As we arrived, we were greeted by people in red shirts who were ready to begin their week-long journey with Emanuel School Year 7 and 8 students alongside Year 11 Peer Support Leaders.

Our first activity was hiking. Not many excited faces or smiles, but nevertheless we were dropped at the top of the mountain in a small but noticeable clearway to begin our walk down a firetail. As we power walked up and down the hills and climbed down rocks, we were making record time. Everyone was wet from the rain but feeling very proud of what they had just achieved.

Day 2

We got into our water shoes and rashies, put on layers of sunscreen and dragged the canoes down to the water’s edge. After huffing and puffing we got out on the water and practised our rowing techniques in hopes to fight the current. Slowly everyone got the hang of it and was racing down the river as fast their paddles could carry them. The current was strong, but Szenes fought back. The tide was low enough that we could jump out and heave the canoes most of the way. We even made a canoe chain and a few mighty and strong Year 8s pulled everyone along until their legs gave in. Everyone had pushed themselves to the limit and was short of breath but there was lots of laughing, swimming and complaining. Looking back everyone enjoyed their water experience and if they had another chance, they would do it again!