Volume 27 Issue 14 25 May 2018 11 Sivan 5778

Connecting our Community – Gesher

Sonia Newell – Development Officer

After months of preparation by Claire Pech our Careers Advisor and me, our 2018 Careers Space event (previously known as E-Zone), took place on Wednesday morning. Twenty one past Emanuel students returned to school to meet with our Year 11 and 12 students and provide some insight into their journeys post-school and career choices along the way to where they are today. 

The morning started with a light breakfast where the students and presenters, along with Andrew Watt, our Principal, and other staff members had the opportunity to chat before the presenters and students moved to 4 separate spaces on campus into groups we called STEM, Allied Health and People Professions, Business/Commerce and Law, Education and Creatives.

We hope the students came away from these sessions with some helpful hints about their own career paths and life in the big wide world beyond the Waxman Gates.

Lara Pitt, Margaret Lowe and Andrei Doinikov

Justin Moddel, Lara Ephron and Russell Gordon






Back row L to R: Daniel Brockwell, Russell Gordon, Ischa Ropert, Filea Tsapepas, Marina Makhlin, David Mintz. Middle row: Mitchell Weiss, Dina Gofman, Gabby Radnan, Stephanie Radnan, Sivan Stern, Gena Been, Jonathan Moallem, Justin Moddel. Front row: Sarah Robuck, Mel Aaron, Cara Antonelli, Joe Harris. Not in photo: Leah Grolman, Lara Pitt and Andrei Dolnikov


This annual event alternates its large events between Melbourne and Sydney and this year’s main event will be held in Melbourne from 9-11 June: www.limmudoz.com.au

LimmudOz Sydney will be running a 1-day event on 17 June. 

Some members of our community will be presenting in Melbourne including current parents Andy Bromberger and Tanya Oziel as well as alum Zoe Feigen (Class of 2007).