Volume 27 Issue 14 25 May 2018 11 Sivan 5778

From Primary School

Natanya (Tany) Head of Primary

The Complexity of Education in 2018

With the expansion of technology in the Primary School, we are thrilled that we are able to teach the children important skills such as touch typing, coding, design thinking and digital citizenship skills. We are so conscious to balance these with the important core skills that are taught through subjects such as English and Mathematics as well as the important life skills of self-management, collaboration, critical and creative thinking. All this exists in a context that values our Jewish and Hebrew learning, our creative and practical arts programs and of course, our nurturing and warm environment. At this point, I thank all those involved in constantly working to keep this careful balance in existence. The teachers and school executive continue to monitor our programs and balance in order to ensure the children receive the best possible education in order to create well-balanced and flourishing students.

Coding begins in Years 4, 5 and 6 – An update from Sophie Poisel, Innovation Leader

It is an exciting time to be at school. Next year, Coding will be mandated across K-6 through the new NSW Science & Technology Syllabus. This will mean that primary students will have the opportunity to be exposed to the many languages of computers, along with other exciting experiences with emerging technologies.

On the first staff day this term, our Primary Staff were led through a coding session by Code Camp facilitators who will continue to work with us for the next 2 terms. During Term 2, Years 4, 5 and 6 will have 5 double periods led by two Code Camp facilitators and their classroom teacher. In Term 3, Years 2 and 3 will have a similar opportunity and Year 1 will also have specialist teaching by Ms Carrie-Anne Grieve. In Term 4, Kindergarten will have a similar experience as Year 1. We are looking forward to seeing what our students learn and create through these opportunities.

Snapshots from Coding on Friday

The Years 4-6 students were clearly very excited to be starting coding on Friday. Students were heard discussing debugging, the importance of giving step-by-step instructions when coding, pixels, animation and even floppy discs. We look forward to seeing their creations as the term progresses.

It was really exciting when we first started because it looked really cool. You learnt that you could add even more features to your game. Declan, Year 4

No matter how complex or simple the instruction was, there was always something you could be adding or changing. They made it so easy to understand. Jessica, Year 4

Whooo!! That was fun! Bodhi, Year 5

It was exciting to see how you do it. Avalon, Year 5

It was confusing at first but it gets easier once you do it for a while. Ashley, Year 5

 I really enjoyed coding because it was different, seeing as I had had not much past experience in Coding. It challenged me to think differently to how I usually think.– Willow, Year 6



Uniform questions

We have received questions regarding the Year 5 and 6 School uniform. I have clarified the situation with Mr Watt and the uniform shop. It has been confirmed that:

  • Years 5 and 6 students are required to wear their blazers to and from school each day that they wear school uniform in Terms 2 and 3. It is a compulsory item.
  • The micropeach maroon zip jacket is an item as an optional outer layer for Years K-4 and is replaced by the compulsory blazer in Years 5 and 6. For this year, if families have bought this jacket, it is allowed to be worn by Years 5 and 6 students on campus only. From next year, it will not be considered as a part of the Year 5/6 uniform at all.

Supporting the Jilkminggan Community

An organisation called Deciding to Make a Difference has been raising funds to build environmentally friendly housing and structures for support services in the Jilkminggan community. They are ready to install their first structure and are wondering if anyone in the Emanuel community has links to a freight company in order to reduce costs or would like to donate funds for the transport to the Jilkminggan community. Please email me directly on nmilner@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au if you would like more information or are interested in supporting this initiative.

Freddy Ezekiel 

I was thrilled to meet Freddy Ezekiel last week – he is absolutely gorgeous! We wish Adam and Hilary a HUGE congratulations on the birth of Freddy, a beautiful baby boy born on Saturday 12 May. We wish them much health, happiness and sleep, both now and in the future.


Last Friday’s Shavuot celebrations were a lovely way to celebrate together. It is very special to see so many combined Primary School and High School moments and to watch to children learn from each other and song together. Thank you to the Jewish Life team for organising the ceremony for us.

Futsal Competition

On Tuesday, Emanuel competed in the NSW Futsal Cup. We fielded 2 boys teams and 2 girls teams, with all 4 teams making it into the finals round of their divisions. The boys Emanuel Red team lost to Newington 2-1 in the final after a close fought contest. The girls Emanuel Red team won the grand final 1-0 against St Spyridon. Well done to all those involved for their participation and enthusiasm and for representing us so well. Thank you to Mr Taylor and Mrs Fairfax for co-ordinating the event.


This week’s plain clothes day raised money for Mission Australia for Youth Homelessness. I would like to thank the Charity leaders, Sasha Becker, Willow Gelin, Boaz Hadad, Miri Hurwitz, Talia King, Yael Rembach and Mia Vexler as well as Mrs Rom and Mrs Clennar for co-ordinating this event.

Da Vinci Decathlon

On Thursday, a group of Year 5 and 6 students participated in the Da Vinci Decathlon. Whilst my article was due prior to our participation, I have no doubt that the children will have a wonderful day of mind-stretching challenges. Thank you to our Da Vinci team and Colleen Elkins for all of their hard work. I look forward to a future Ma Nishma report about the day.