Volume 29 Issue 27 04 Sep 2020 15 Elul 5780


Nathalie Freed – Year 10

A two-part Art Exhibition

Part 1

Over the past term, we have studied geometric abstraction in Visual Arts, alongside artists such as Paul Reed. We learnt about various design elements such as shape, colour, composition, line and space and used our knowledge on these topics as we began the process of designing our own abstract painting. We created each aspect of our piece of abstract art, from the colour palette we chose, to the unique design we produced, even choosing the actual shape of the painted surface. Using plywood as a painting surface allowed us to access any shape, as it is a material that can easily be cut to fit any form of our choice.

A special thank you to Peter from maintenance for cutting out our plywood shapes! Whilst we were designing our images, we undertook personal research to look for abstract artists that inspired us. This was a continuation of our study in Year 9, when we worked on and created a wall sculpture, as well as studying abstract artists from the 1940s, 50s and 60s. Over the course of this topic, we have gained a greater understanding of acrylic paint, how to work with it and, through the process, have improved and developed our painting technique. Additionally, we completed a study on colour, looking into complementary colours, analogous colours and the connotations a colour can both hold and introduce to an artwork.

On behalf of the class, I know we all really enjoyed this topic as it truly allowed us to discover the power of abstraction and to challenge the reach of our own creativity.