Volume 29 Issue 27 04 Sep 2020 15 Elul 5780

Friendship Circle

Jade Berson – Year 11

Friendship Cirle

Last Friday the Emanuel Students, along with other schools in the Jewish community came to school in purple to ‘spread purple’ in order to raise money for Friendship Circle. A special thank you to everyone who contributed to this important cause. We raised a total of $435.00.

Sydney Friendship Circle is a not-for-profit organisation offering programs and activities for children, teenagers and young adults with and without disabilities, from all backgrounds. Friendship Circle offers amazing programs run by volunteers, such as Sunday Circle, school holiday camps and getaways, young adult programs, and social events that raise awareness of the cause, such as the annual Friendship Walk which is coming up on 13 September 2020! This is a huge event for the community and this year it is going virtual! I have previously been involved with Friendship Circle, attending the Sunday Circle and the annual Friendship Circle Walk, which enabled me to build special connections with the children. I can truly say that the connections that I built with the children are so special and fill my heart! Friendship Circle, like our School, strives to build an inclusive Jewish community and a world making for Tikkun Atsmi and Tikkun Olam.