Volume 28 Issue 39 17 Dec 2019 19 Kislev 5780

Year 6, the Burger Centre and the Gift of Light Project

Burger Centre and Emanuel School Gift of Light project

Last week Year 6 students walked down to the Burger Centre for a special activity with their clients as part of our MAD – Making a Difference project.

Our activity together was to build small portable solar lights, as part of the Solar Buddy Project (https://solarbuddy.org/). Together with the elderly clients, we assembled 50 lights for the community and children in a village called Chatsworth, Zimbabwe. The children in the village do not have access to electricity and many homes use kerosene lamps for light. With a Solar Buddy light, we learnt that the children would be able to read and to learn at home. Another organisation, called Aussie Books for Zim, is building a library in this community to help with education, reading and literacy. Together we wrote messages that will be delivered with the lights to the children of Chatsworth.

Doing this activity reminded us to be grateful for the access to education, energy and light that we may take for granted. It was special to chat and talk with older members of our community and to work together on this project, that will make a big difference to the lives of others.

Thank you to the Burger Centre, Solar Buddy, the Mitzvah Project and Knit for Life for organising our visit.

By Jasmine Melnikoff and Georgie Rosen