Volume 28 Issue 39 17 Dec 2019 19 Kislev 5780

Volunteers Assembly

Tuesday’s Volunteers Assembly was a wonderful morning filled with appreciation as students presented, sang, read poetry and played music to thank our many volunteers for their time, energy and commitment to the School. 

In their speech, Lachlan Corne, High School Head Madrich, and Ashley Cohn, Primary School Head Madricha, commented: “Our volunteers make an extraordinary contribution to Emanuel School. Not only do they help us by giving their time, but they also add to the richness of the whole school community by giving of themselves. As we get to know them they share their life stories, passions, ambitions, beliefs and values. These help to create a more holistic and well-rounded environment from which our student body can learn and grow.”

Five Year 6 students spent many a lunch break, writing poems of appreciation:

You are the ones who help us grow

The ones who hold this community together,
Sticky like the dough of a biscuit, standing by us
Thank you, you are the binding of the school.

Rising to help us, rising above challenges,
You are the ones who help us grow,
Thank you for being the baking powder, helping us rise.

A sugary tang in the schoolyard.
The sweetness of the volunteers,
Helping us develop, grow, learn and succeed.

An aroma of rich melting chocolate,
Swirls within the gates of the school,
Our gratitude to the ones who enrich our education.

May we come together and sing in harmony,
The gentle words of gratitude and thanks.
May we link arms and hold hands,
As we set sail on the next journey.
A journey of hope, learning, education and love.
Yet throughout all our days, may we be grateful for the volunteers of this beautiful school.

By Ashley Cohn, Daliah Smagarinsky and Liberty Waldner

Chocolate and cinnamon 

Chocolate, oh so sweet
How can one describe,
how much richer in joy do you make this school?

Cinnamon, a flavour so intense,
Akin to the intensity of the work our volunteers put in,
To add some spice and joy to life,
A debt that is impossible to repay.

Bicarb soda, that makes you rise,
Rise to all the many opportunities that the volunteers provide,
To make us succeed and rise.

Flour, the base to all good biscuits,
You spread as you would never believe,
Flour spreads like the goodwill of the volunteers,
Making a beautiful mess of joy and happiness,

Sugar, the centre of all happiness,
You mix with all the bitter things in life,
Grains of happiness and joy,
Sweetness and fun.

by Shai Berkovic and Ariel Bloom

Meditation to start the day

The Junior Stage Band, Junior Choir and Junior Jazz Combo added a number of musical delights to the mix and Rabbi Triguboff’s D’Var Torah gave us time for a few minutes of meditation to start of the day. Following assembly, our volunteers were treated to delicious morning tea prepared by the Year 9 Food Technology students.

Mazal tov to past parent, Leon Waxman, who we honoured for volunteering for over 25 years at the School. We are so grateful to him for his deep commitment to our students. 

Events such as these take a tremendous amount of planning and I thank Belinda Levin, Marketing and Communications Assistant, for her exceptional event management; Diana Springford, Head of Music, and her talented team, for expertly preparing the musicians and choir; Year 6 teacher, Kim Haddix, for co-ordinating the budding poets; and Lara Ephron and her Year 9 Food Technology students for the creative Bikkies in a Jar and the delicious morning tea. 

Michelle Favero, Manager of Marketing and Communications