Volume 27 Issue 17 15 Jun 2018 2 Tammuz 5778

Year 4 student leadership and initiative

Colleen Elkins | Gifted and Talented Co-Ordinator K-6

Student leadership and initiative – Year 4

I was delighted when a knock on my office door presented to me some Year 4 Emanuel Chess players. They had seriously contemplated our current number of players, thought about the future and detected the need to “build chess depth” in our Year 3 and 4 students, for the future of Emanuel Chess.

Daniel Zipser, Joshua Barnett and Benjamin Diamond presented their idea – they wanted to offer Beginners Chess to Years 3 and 4 students in order to build strength in our Emanuel Chess community. They had plans in hand, including what they proposed to do in their first 2 lessons if the idea went ahead and were seeking advice on how to implement their idea.

Much decision-making and compromise – student-led – was part of this process.

They went on to advertise the activity, prepare for the 1st session and run it last Monday.

During their 1st beginner’s chess session, the boys addressed the newcomers with thoughtfulness and skill. The 5 or 6 newcomers enjoyed the close attention they received from the ‘coaches’, learning new things and are looking forward to their next session!

Hurray and thank you to those 3 boys for noticing a problem, thinking of a solution, looking for feedback and implementing their ideas. What an inspiration and example to others!

Joshua Barnett

Benjamin Diamond

Daniel Zipster