Volume 27 Issue 17 15 Jun 2018 2 Tammuz 5778

Primary Gifted and Talented news

Colleen Elkins | Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator K-6

Primary G&T competition news

Our Years 3-6 students are currently involved in the Mathematics Challenge for Young Australians which involves them working independently or in a group of up to 2 others, on 4 very involved, high-level Mathematics problems. Students are assigned 4 weeks in which to do this challenge and are given small periods of time in class to catch up with one another if necessary. Other than that, students are responsible for organising when they can work with their group and completing the task.


Students have shown such wonderful initiative in taking control of this task. Some Year 4 students have reportedly been holding 3-way conference calls from home, to share and debate their thinking to reach reasonable solutions (3-hour Mathemtics-related calls!)

Other students in Year 3 have requested a ‘double play date’ from their parents in order to get this task under control.

A few students have hailed me on the playground during lunchtime to proudly show me the work they are doing during their lunch hour.

This amazing self-direction by students as young as 8 and 9 is to be marvelled at, as is the level of collaboration they are implementing in order to work through the material and agree upon answers.

One of the rules of the competition is that students may only rely on their group as a resource – no adult help. The rigidity with which they have adhered to this rule is also phenomenal – some of them even reminding a parent that ‘they may not help’.

It is a delight to see such passion for learning. Thank you to all the teachers who are facilitating this amazing learning opportunity with their Mathematics class.


Other currently running competitions:

Dorothea MacKellar Poetry Competition

Thank you to those students who have sent me their entries. Please continue to send your poems if you have not yet entered.

Closing Date: 25 June 

The Lionel Bowen Young Writers’ Award committee is looking for the best writers in Randwick City.

Closing Date: 31 July


We have some Year 7 students running a Writing Club on Fridays for students in Years 3-6 who are interested in hearing tips from successful writers. Join us in Room A11 at lunchtime on Fridays.