Volume 28 Issue 27 30 Aug 2019 29 Av 5779

Year 12 Biology

Hannah Adler

On the 20 August  2019, the Year 12 Biology class went to the Museum of Human Disease at the University of New South Wales. Mr Case walked us to the UNSW campus where the museum is located. The day was split up into two parts, one which was aimed towards diseases itself and one aimed mainly to genetics. It was really interesting and confronting to see some of the diseases people have had. We were given some problems to solve and research and some practical activities to complete. The day was filled with fun, engaging and interactive activities that taught us the basics and answered some questions we have had.

There were limbs and organs in the exhibition that were affected by a disease and preserved in a solution in clear glass containers. We got to walk around, read about the diseases and also got to read about some of the people’s stories. This made us reflect about personal life choices we could make to improve our life expectancy and the tragedy that other people have experienced. Overall the day was fun, we learnt a lot and we got to interact in some fun and engaging activities. A big thank you to Mr Case for taking time out of his busy schedule to come with us and a big thank you to Mrs Ljovic for organising the excursion.

The educators at the exhibition were super nice and extremely knowledgeable with the topics discussed, they could answer all our questions and explained everything in an engaging manner.