Volume 28 Issue 6 08 Mar 2019 1 Adar II 5779

Sharing refugee and asylum seeker stories

North Sudanese asylum seeker, Alaa Elneil, spoke with a group of Year 12 students recently. Mr Elneil, 28, fled his country in 2012 as a business studies student, after he and friends were thrown out of university and their campus burned down for daring to criticise the government. 

“It was an amazing experience to hear Alaa’s story,” one student commented. “I was incredibly grateful that he shared with us, despite how difficult it might have been for him. Thank you, you taught us a lot.”

Another student agreed: “Having Alaa come in and speak to us was extremely powerful. Listening to his experience as a young man and the journey he undertook really opened my eyes and made me realise how prevalent this issue still is.

“I think it is important for everyone to experience what I am privileged to see every week as it changes general perceptions surrounding refugees. The only time I’ve ever come into contact with this issue before is in the media.”

Mr Elneil said he was happy to be invited to address the students. “It made me feel there are many people who still care about refugees and want to know our stories. The students were so respectful and well behaved and I appreciated that rather than focusing on why I came to Australia, they preferred to ask me what I hoped to contribute to society in the future.” 

The elective called Refugees: An Understanding of the Crisis: What is being done and might be done? is one of five Year 12 Tefillah options offered to students on Monday mornings under the direction of Head of Jewish Life Rabbi Danny Siegel. It is facilitated by Emanuel School parent Shira Sebban, supported by former parent Anna Buch, who invite a range of speakers, including advocates and refugees themselves, to address the students.