Volume 28 Issue 6 08 Mar 2019 1 Adar II 5779

Kol Szenes


Some reflections from Szenes Year 8 campers

Well done to this wonderful tutor group for their positive mindset, care and kindness towards each other, and willingness to challenge themselves! Lisa Starkey – Year 8 Tutor and HSIE and Design and Technology Teacher

Here are 9 different reflections from Year 8 students.

  1. One of my highlights was that Mr Peacock had these bracelets that would be given to the people that stood out in being particularly helpful in some way and I had set up nine tents with Mr Peacock, so I received one on the 3rd night. Another highlight was canoeing as I love canoeing. I went canoeing with three different people. I had an amazing dinner that was wood fire pizza and it was delicious.
  2. Camp was quite an enjoyable experience for me. It was challenging for most of the time, like when we hiked uphill and canoed against the current. But there were many parts which I enjoyed as well. I loved most of the hiking and when we went rock climbing on real rocks. I really enjoyed free time, when I was playing cards and other games with my Tutor Group. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone when I was hiking with my heavy rucksack and I was very proud of this. This camp taught me many things including resilience, because I was very anxious about the long hike and the canoeing and I was very proud of myself and the rest of my Tutor Group for completing these activities. Overall, camp was an incredible experience which including many challenges, adventures and fun times. 
  3. On camp I learnt so much and I experienced so many different and challenging experiences, such as canoeing, hiking and rock climbing. One of my favourite bits of camp was the food. The food was amazing and it had so much flavour in it. I especially loved the wood fire pizzas. Mitch was a really good leader. He joked, laughed and made our camp experience the best it could have been. The rock climbing was really fun too. My challenge for rock climbing was to get to the top and have as much fun as possible and I fulfilled my goal. I laughed and talked the whole way up. Ava and I were doing it together so she was on the other rock climbing station and we both made it to the top which was so incredible. Ava and I both abseiled down and did a victory squat at the end. I loved how everyone put in effort to make the camp so successful and enjoyable.
  4. I found camp a very good experience for me. There was a lot of challenges, but I overcame them and I built up a lot of resilience. One of my favourite experiences was the long hike because it was a challenging experience, but I was extremely proud of myself that I did it
  5. Camp was an enjoyable experience because I enjoyed the food that was given to us. I also enjoyed the canoeing. I liked the tent buddies because it was (mostly) people I got along with. In general, I enjoyed the camp itself and was brave to do anything (except the 17km hike). 
  6. My favourite part of camp was either the long hike or the canoeing. The long hike as it was a very peaceful easy walk and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I also like canoeing in general and just find it fun.
  7. I kind of overcame my fear of heights when I climbed to the top when we did the rock climbing.
  8. I went to camp with negative thoughts about it. On the first day I was already over it, but when we got to know our camp leader it got better. When we swam in the river camp turned around and I started changing my view on it. I wasn’t excited for the 17km hike but when the hill was over and I realised it’s very beautiful and I’m glad I went on it. I learnt I shouldn’t judge things too soon.
  9. Camp was an experience. Some highlights include: Bonding with my camp mates, learning things about nature and how to set up camp, going outside my comfort zone and doing things that I wouldn’t usually do.