Volume 28 Issue 36 15 Nov 2019 17 Heshvan 5780

Rabin Bugle


The tragic passing of Alexi Bader has affected all of us and our heartfelt sympathy, thoughts and prayers are with Alexi’s parents, his brother Teoh, extended family and relatives and friends in this difficult time. Alexi was a wonderful young boy who brought joy, friendship, kindness and care to all those around him. He was an amazing young student who touched so many and gave so much to his friends, our school and community and he will be so missed by us all.

This is a difficult time for all of us and we join as a community to provide comfort and care to the family and to support each other.

יהי זכרונו לברכה

Yehi Zikhrono Livrakhah

May Alexi’s memory be a blessing

Lexi and his Tutor Group