Volume 28 Issue 36 15 Nov 2019 17 Heshvan 5780

Maccabi National Swimathon


Jesse Waller in Year 11 spoke to the High School about the upcoming Maccabi MS National Swimathon this week at assembly. Emanuel School will once again be entering a team into this annual event. The Swimathon aims to raise funds for Multiple Sclerosis and to also support the Maccabi sporting association, of which many Emanuel students are part. This team is open to all members of the School community and there is no minimum amount of time or distance that each person is required to swim. Each participant is able to nominate a block of time throughout the day in which they will swim for the Emanuel team and does not have to commit to the whole day. Each registration requires a small donation of $30/$40 (child/adult). Once registered, each participant can start to raise funds for a great cause. Our goal is to raise $1000 in 2019.

When: Sunday November 24 2019, 7.00 am to 7.00 pm

Where: Moriah College

Emanuel School Team registrations: www.msmegaswim.org.au/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.team&teamID=5901

Kristy Genc – Head of Sport | PDHPE Teacher | Year 11 Tutor